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vote for tom in the general election on nov. 5, 2024
tom is running unopposed on the nov. 5 general election ballot. We appreciate your support!
Whether you are an Eagle County Democrat, Republican, or unaffiliated voter, you can vote for Tom in the upcoming General Election.

IMPORTANT DATES on the path to victory
July, 2023 – Tom Boyd publicly declares as a candidate in the race to become the District 2 Eagle County Board of Commissioners representative.
March 9, 2024 – Tom qualifies for the ballot by successfully achieving more than 30% of the vote during the Eagle County Democratic Caucus.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 – Democratic primary ballots in the Mail!
Tuesday, June 25 – Tom wins the Eagle County Democratic primary.
July, 2024 – Tom is confirmed to be the only candidate on the ballot for the District 2 Eagle County Commissioner seat in the upcoming general election.
Tuesday, Nov. 5 – Election Day.
January, 2025 - Tom will be sworn in as Eagle County Commissioner
Be sure your voter registration address (street address where you reside) and mailing address is current. You can do this at the Secretary of State’s website:
If you are a registered Democrat, you will receive a Democratic ballot in the mail.
If you are registered as an unaffiliated voter – you will receive two ballots: one Democratic and one Republican. Be sure to vote ONLY the Democratic ballot! If you return both, neither will be counted!
If you are a registered Republican, you can either unaffiliate or change your affiliation to Democratic on or before June 3rd. You may change your affiliation back, after the election.
As long as you’ve lived in Colorado 22 days before Election Day, you can register to vote and vote right through Election Day June 25th, at any Vote Center in Eagle County.

vote centers and 24-hr ballot drop boxes
Eagle: Clerk and Recorder’s Office, 500 Broadway
Avon: Town of Avon Municipal Building, 100 Mikaela Way
Vail: The Grandview, atop the Lionshead Parking Structure, 395 S. Frontage Rd.
El Jebel: Clerk and Recorder’s Office, 20 Eagle County Dr.
additional 24-hr ballot drop boxes locations
Gypsum: Town of Gypsum Municipal Building, 50 Lundgren Blvd
Edwards: Mountain Recreation Field House, 450 Miller Ranch Rd.
Vail: Town of Vail Municipal Building, 75 S Frontage Rd W.
Basalt: Town of Basalt Municipal Building, 101 Midland Ave.
more voting Questions?
Visit Eagle County Elections or by calling at 970-328-8715